Subject: Re: NetBSD master CVS tree commits
To: Matthias Drochner <>
From: Frank van der Linden <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/11/1997 17:29:25
On Thu, Dec 11, 1997 at 01:53:38PM +0100, Matthias Drochner wrote:
> Excerpts from netbsd: 10-Dec-97 Re: NetBSD master CVS tree .. Jason
> Thorpe@nas.nasa.go (1446)
> Hmmm.
> But then, we'll have to keep at least the programming interface for a
> while - for compatibility.
> (svgalib DOOM compatibility in particular, and X)
The Linux svgalib doesn't need PCVT that heavily. All the ones that are
needed are emulated right now. It just needs PIO access and does it
all by itself. X detects whether pcvt is available or not; in that case
we should probably just opt for doing the backward compatibility by
providing a backward compatible pccons interface (which is small).
And move to get our new interface included of course..
- Frank