Subject: Re: soundcard.h: where is it in NetBSD/i386 1.2.1?
To: Kevin Cousins <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/08/1997 06:39:45
On Mon, 8 Dec 1997 22:44:25 +1100 (EST)
Kevin Cousins <> wrote:
> I would like to get NAS running, but I can't compile it because (at
> the /very/ least) I can't find soundcard.h anywhere on my NetBSD/i386
> 1.2.1 machine. I suspect that libossaudio.a is similarly not hanging
> about to be linked against.
> Tips? Pointers? Hints? Advice? Anyone?
The audio subsystem has changed significantly since 1.2.1. You're going
to need to upgrade to 1.3_BETA if you want to use libossaudio, or
you're going to have to fully port NAS to NetBSD 1.2.1's audio system.
Jason R. Thorpe
NASA Ames Research Center Home: +1 408 866 1912
NAS: M/S 258-6 Work: +1 650 604 0935
Moffett Field, CA 94035 Pager: +1 415 428 6939