Subject: Re: NetBSD/i386 and single board computers
To: 'Mary Rivett' <>
From: John F. Woods <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/05/1997 09:58:25
Gunnar Helliesen wrote:
> Just think, in '00 we can look up at the stars and think "there's
> intelligent code out there"...
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mary Rivett []
>Subject: Re: NetBSD/i386 and single board computers
>Yes. This project will measure the microgravity environment on the
>International Space Station.
Actually, I think they should run Windows NT 4.0 on these things.
That way, we can look up at the stars and say "PIIIGS IIIIN SPAAAAAAAACE!"
(Apologies to those who aren't fans of the Muppet Show and didn't get that...)