Subject: Re: packages (pkg)
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/05/1997 12:22:49
Jason Thorpe <> wrote:
> The reason it's not shipped as part of the release (or even tagged) is
> because it's dependent on external sources. I.e. the external maintainer
> of some package could release a new version, delete the old, and the
> pkgsrc for that would have to be updated. It's just too (potentially)
> volatile.
That's the reason why FreeBSD keeps distfiles on, in case
they move from the MASTER_SITE(s). As I just wrote in my previous mail,
I'd seriously vote for distributing pkgsrc with 1.3 as the rest of the
operating system source is.
- Hubert
Hubert Feyrer <>