Subject: Re: pkgsrc ...
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert.V.Baron <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/04/1997 21:05:00
>There's a big difference between shipping pkgsrc with a release, and
>creating binary packages using the contents of pkgsrc _for_ a release.
>I agree with Jason that the former is unreasonable, since pkgsrc will
>spontaneously break over time.
>The latter, however, is something which definitely should be done.
Well, I think one or the other should go out with the release and better
just the pkgsrc than nothing. And, I sort of like how pkgsrc goes out and
ftps the src, patches, and builds ;-).
The hard part with releasing the binaries, is that I would want the
binaries organized and fetchable by specific package. I don't want
everything just some of the packages. I don't believe that this change
could make it with the 1.3 release.
So please ship something less than perfect