Subject: pkgsrc ...
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert.V.Baron <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/04/1997 19:27:00
>From: Jason Thorpe <>
> The reason it's not shipped as part of the release (or even tagged) is
> because it's dependent on external sources. I.e. the external maintainer
> of some package could release a new version, delete the old, and the
> pkgsrc for that would have to be updated. It's just too (potentially)
> volatile.
I must take serious issue with this decision. Yes the pkg's are
volatile and it's hard to track the latest version and even on a good
day the ftp sites might not be responsive, etc, etc, etc ...
BUT, one of the long standing criticisms of NetBSD is that there is no
software build for it. Now that we have a wonderful tool for getting
software packages we should put it out there for all to see. Having
something that mostly works for most packages is a much better idea
than forcing the user to find the pkgsrc himself. The expanded tree
is under 6Meg so I wouldn't even worry about wasting the space.