Subject: Re: Linux emulation: Acrobat busy/wait?
To: Giles Lean <>
From: Zdenek Salvet <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/25/1997 19:53:59
> Having got the Linux Acrobat reader binary running, I now note that it
> chews up large amounts of CPU time, even before a .pdf file is opened.
> The behaviour could of course be an Acrobat bug, or it could be
> something not quite right in the emulation. Is anyone else running
> Acrobat Reader 3.0 (either on NetBSD or Linux)?
I run acroread 3.0 with 1.2 kernel, it consumes only 2.5 seconds on startup
(on Pentium 100) and ~1% when sitting idle (many syscalls per sec though).
Zdenek Salvet
If God had meant for us to be in the Army,
we would have been born with green, baggy skin.