Subject: i386: ethernet problems with 1.3_ALPHA boot image?
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Eric S. Hvozda <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/04/1997 18:30:45
I see the i386 1.3A snapshot is out there so I thought I'd give it a
spin. However, I seem to have quite the odd behavior WRT to my
ethernet card. It autoconfs fine, however when I try to use it, I
always get "ed2: device timeout".
Someone suggested I might need to configure the loopback device before
it would work and that didn't seem to help.
I unpacked the man pages for 1.3A, and there doesn't seem to be
any details WRT to media selection (a la ep(4); the Ultra Elite 16
does have AUI, DIX, and TPE). So that's a wash.
There's nothing odd about my hardware. NetBSD 1.2.1 has no problem
with it. I've included output from dmesg(8) for both 1.2.1 and
1.3A. Everything seems to be as it should be, but something just
isn't making it.
Additional clue: ever time I run ping I always get:
ping: failed to clear cached route: network is unreachable
ed2: device timeout
Once again this is only under 1.3A I have no such problems under
1.2.1. Is anyone else experiencing these type of problems?
NetBSD 1.2.1 (GATE) #3: Sun Nov 2 14:29:24 EST 1997
CPU: i486DX (GenuineIntel 486-class CPU)
real mem = 33161216
avail mem = 29851648
using 430 buffers containing 1761280 bytes of memory
mainbus0 (root)
isa0 at mainbus0
com0 at isa0 port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4: ns16550a, working fifo
com1 at isa0 port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3: ns16550a, working fifo
lpt0 at isa0 port 0x378-0x37f: polled
wdc0 at isa0 port 0x1f0-0x1f7 irq 14
wd0 at wdc0 drive 0: 233MB, 978 cyl, 14 head, 35 sec, 512 bytes/sec <ST3283A>
wd0: using 16-sector 16-bit pio transfers, chs addressing
wd1 at wdc0 drive 1: 813MB, 1652 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sec <Conner Peripherals 850MB - CFA850A>
wd1: using 16-sector 16-bit pio transfers, lba addressing
wdc1 at isa0 port 0x170-0x177 irq 15
wd2 at wdc1 drive 0: 81MB, 980 cyl, 10 head, 17 sec, 512 bytes/sec <WDC AC280>
wd2: using 8-sector 16-bit pio transfers, chs addressing
npx0 at isa0 port 0xf0-0xff: using exception 16
pc0 at isa0 port 0x60-0x6f irq 1: color
spkr0 at pc0 port 0x61
fdc0 at isa0 port 0x3f0-0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2
fd0 at fdc0 drive 0: 1.44MB 80 cyl, 2 head, 18 sec
biomask c040 netmask c040 ttymask c05a
com1: 13 silo overflows, 0 ibuf overflows
Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
NetBSD 1.3_ALPHA (INSTALL) #0: Tue Nov 4 10:18:17 EST 1997
cpu0: family 4 model 3 step 5
cpu0: Intel 486DX2 (486-class)
real mem = 33161216
avail mem = 27766784
using 430 buffers containing 1761280 bytes of memory
mainbus0 (root)
isa0 at mainbus0
com0 at isa0 port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4: ns16550a, working fifo
com1 at isa0 port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3: ns16550a, working fifo
wdc0 at isa0 port 0x1f0-0x1f7 irq 14
atapibus0 at wdc0
wd0 at wdc0 drive 0: <ST3283A>
wd0: 233MB, 978 cyl, 14 head, 35 sec, 512 bytes/sec
wd0: using 16-sector 16-bit pio transfers, chs addressing
wd1 at wdc0 drive 1: <Conner Peripherals 850MB - CFA850A>
wd1: 813MB, 1652 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sec
wd1: using 16-sector 16-bit pio transfers, lba addressing
wdc1 at isa0 port 0x170-0x177 irq 15
atapibus1 at wdc1
wd2 at wdc1 drive 0: <WDC AC280>
wd2: 81MB, 980 cyl, 10 head, 17 sec, 512 bytes/sec
wd2: using 8-sector 16-bit pio transfers, chs addressing
ed2 at isa0 port 0x300-0x31f iomem 0xcc000-0xcffff irq 10
ed2: address 00:00:c0:c3:a9:0a, type SMC8216/SMC8216C (16-bit) aui
ie1: StarLAN 10 does not have soft configuration
npx0 at isa0 port 0xf0-0xff: using exception 16
pc0 at isa0 port 0x60-0x6f irq 1: mono
pc0: console
fdc0 at isa0 port 0x3f0-0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2
fd0 at fdc0 drive 0: 1.44MB, 80 cyl, 2 head, 18 sec
biomask c040 netmask c440 ttymask c442
<3>stray interrupt 7
md0: internal 1537K image area
boot device: fd0
root on md0a dumps on md0b
root file system type: ffs
<3>ed2: device timeout