Subject: Re: 1.3_ALPHA/i386 snap-971030 and PCMCIA: ifconfig hangs.
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Marc Baudoin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/04/1997 13:49:45
Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU> écrit :
> >for the Ethernet card while NetBSD 1.3A uses 0x400-0x40f. And
> >there's still the TX_AVAIL_THRESH problem...
> Oops. Sorry, I gues you mean this problem:
> >ep1: MAC address 00:20:af:df:9e:f1
> >ep1: write 0x7ff to TX_AVAIL_THRESH, read back 0x7aa, Interface disabled
> It's really odd that you don't see this with NetBSD wiht the PCMCIA
> patches. The only explanation I can think of is that your ``stock
> NetBSD 1.2'' doesn't have proper support for the 3Com PCI drivers.
> Do you really mean the formal 1.2 release?
Exactly, with John Kohl's PCMCIA patches for NetBSD 1.2-RELEASE.
I didn't change my kernel since that time.
> If so, there's a simple fix: add a
> #define EP_LARGEWIN_3C589_BUG 0x7aa
> to the end of the current elink3reg.h, and change sys/dev/ic/elink3.c
> around line 282:
> switch (i) {
> + case EP_LARGEWIN_3C589_BUG
> sc->ep_pktlenshift = 0;
> That should fix your problem. I still don't understand why
> it doens't show up with jtk's patches, though.
> If that works, please send a PR (so the database knows what model of
> 3c589 this affects ), cc: me, and I'll see about committing the fix to
> the tree and the 1.3 branch.
Well, for the moment, I can't compile a 1.3A kernel because I
have no machine available to tamper with. I have a friend who
can do that but he's on holidays so I'll have to wait until he
It would be great it we could solve this problem because many
people still have 2 years old 3C589B Ethernet cards and they
might have the same kind of problem.
Marc Baudoin -=- <>
Security On-Line Software (Solsoft) SA