Subject: [] port-i386/4386: apm problems in -current
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/30/1997 10:59:44
I am reproducing a bit of Kevin Sullivan's bug report below:
>APM used to work fine on my laptop (an IBM Thinkpad 701cs). Lately
>though it has been having problems. It goes to sleep okay, but when I
>errors about filesystem corruption or I cannot run whichever program
>first accessed the disk. When I reboot the machine the errors generally
>go away (though once it trashed about 10% of my filesystem).
IBM has been stupid for a long time. On the 701c and 755 they steal
the last physical page before the gap (0xbffff) and use of as part of
their suspend/resume processing; they will store into the page!!!!
You must not use this physical page for netbsd. In my case, this page
often turned out to be in the buffer pool and I could clobber pages or
inodes whenever I did a suspend/resume. I'd recommend a patchable
flag or option that allowes this page to be ignored.