Subject: Re: DUMMY_NOPS
To: David Maxwell <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/21/1997 17:26:55
On Tue, 21 Oct 1997, David Maxwell wrote:
> >
> > Changing the sense is probably reasonable, but defaulting it to commented
> > out means that GENERIC/INSTALL kernels won't work on those motherboards.
> Perhaps it's time to split out a GENERIC/INSTALL Kernel which would be much
> like the one we have now, perhaps with more of the options which cause
> incompatibilities but provide new features (as space allows). And make a
> separate BASIC/INSTALL kernel to distribute with a set of options which
> don't cause problems for older systems. (mcd and wd come to mind?)
I thought the problem w/ mcd was that it would trash a network card if it
tried to probe. I've just had the experience that the lc0 driver probe
will wedge my ne2000 card. I've had the same experience with the mcd
driver. So the mcd problem's more one of equipment than one of MB age (I
believe if I put my ethernet card in a 386 and booted a kernel w/ mcd
turned on, it'd wedge).
One option, though, would be to re-arrange the tests (change order in
/sys/conf/files) so that the mcd doesn't get probed until after any ed2 or
ne1's get probed. That's what's fixed things for me and the lc0 driver. It
might also fix things for wt0 and mcd0. I'll check.
Take care,