Subject: Re: DUMMY_NOPS
To: Christoph Badura <>
From: David Maxwell <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/21/1997 16:18:10
> (David Maxwell) writes:
> >Perhaps it's time to update this. Rename it to
> >#options ADD_NOPS # For slow (<1993) motherboards
> It has nothing to do with motherboards being built before 1993. I have run
> NetBSD with "options DUMMY_NOPS" on several motherboards that are older.
I understand, but since there's no clear dividing line (quality motherboards
could be much older and work fine with dummy nops, cheap ones could be newer
and not work), I put that in as a guideline based on someone's comment of
'anything made in the last 5 years'. I think people working with very old
boards would expect to have to be away of incompatibilities like this
(and CYRIX_CACHE_REALLY_WORKS) for example.