Subject: Re: pcvt (was: Re: Native NetBSD/i386 DTP software)
To: Michael Graff <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/15/1997 01:40:50
Perry Metzger writes:
>Given that it is now in use in the BeBox port (just committed today!),
>and that its ugly as sin, maybe a new MI console driver for all ports
>would be a Neat Thing.
ISTR a general consensus to use wscons, as least as soon as CGD
decided it was clean enough for general consumption.
As well as the Alpha port, i believe the nascent ARC port uses wscons.
wscons is supposed to be a lot easier for adapting to either
random-access raster hardware or to that really really wants to draw
characters directly (like (S)VGA textmodes and certain unspeakable,
obsolete, accelerated framebuffers.)