Subject: iBCS2 emulation: how should it be set up?
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kevin Cousins <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/24/1997 08:50:49
Righto! I've been using NetBSD-1.2 for some time now (I'm considering
moving sideways to -1.2.1 after I wait for the source to download). I
have COMPAT_LINUX set in my kernel configuration, and have been
running Linux binaries (StarOffice---somewhat less than completely
successfully, and Quake---/very/ successfully, sans sound) for quite a
Recently, I got cause to need to run some sort of SQL database server,
and I have access to a couple of different ones: SCO Ingres, and SCO
InterBase---the names don't really mean that much, but the OS does.
So! I config(8)'ed a new kernel, this time with COMPAT_IBCS2 added,
and lo! I can run /statically-linked/ SCO binaries! It's a pity
really, because the binaries I need to run are dynamically linked, and
I have the SCO libraries installed under /emul/ibcs2/usr/lib etc..
Part of my problem seems to be that I can't find a SCO ldconfig
executable on any of the SCO machines that I have access to, but the
majority of the trouble is that there seems to be an absolute dearth
of information available for the NetBSD iBCS2 emulation---what it's
capable of, and how to set it up.
Help! Please!