Subject: Re: Innd + NetBSD
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Matthias Scheler <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/15/1997 11:22:15
In article <>,
Jeff Northon <> writes:
> Just wondering if anyone is able to get Inn running reliably on
> NetBSD.
Yes, works fine:
news 184 0.0 9.8 3780 3992 ?? INs 31Aug97 20:08.06 /usr/local/news/sbin/innd -p4 -r -i0
> We are running 1.2.1 NetBSD, ...
I run 1.5.1sec under NetBSD 1.2.1.
> ... the newest inn (I think),
1.5.1sec2 or a 1.6 beta version?
> Looks like innd takes a nap, without any output to the log files.
> hitting it with kicks it back into action.
I watched this on a quite busy news server under Linux 2.0, too. But
INN only died twice in about 3 weeks so I didn't really worry.
Matthias Scheler