Subject: Re: ssh windows clients & traveling
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/12/1997 17:03:31
>1) Use S/Key to log into an i386 I have running NetBSD, and then run a
>program to generate a kerberos ticket w/o typing in the password. Then
>log into other servers. (I don't mind people seeing the EMail, just the
>I tried a simple shell program,
>echo "my kerberos passwd" | kinit wrstuden
>but it still went to the command line for input. Can I get kinit to take
>piped input?
use expect? expect will spawn the subprocess under a different tty so
that when kinit opens /dev/tty (which i'm assuming it does), it'll get expect, and not the actual tty.
or...write your own little program that uses openpty from the very
nice libutil.
>2) Use ssh somehow. Does anyone know of a windows or MacOS client which
>is shareware, or commercial with a trial period? Also, I don't know the IP
>address on the other side. Is there some way I can set the client & sshd
>so that it works w/o IP-address identification? So the client says "I'm
>me", and they talk to each other in their random keys. ??
f-secure has mac and windows clients available, and i believe you can
download a trial version which should last for 30 days or some such.
when you install it, it runs you though making an ssh key pair, and
then all you would have to do is take the public half and put it in
your authorized_keys file and you're all set. probably all knew that. i'm just in that mode where i
answer questions in a very verbose manner because people around here
just don't get it quickly enough...
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