Subject: Re: Problems making 1.2G boot on an HP Pavilion 8140
To: Michael Graff <>
From: Matthias Drochner <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/07/1997 14:39:18
Excerpts from netbsd: 7-Sep-97 Re: Problems making 1.2G bo.. Michael (302)
> > What do the bootblocks report?
> Ahh, of course. 638/31744 K
Seems ok...
What I'm wondering about:
> I have DDB installed in the kernel. However, "boot -sd" will not pause
> before running the kernel.
> [...]
> I think it is crashing right after printing out the real memory in the
> system
The debugger should be called before the memory is printed.
Either, there is something wrong with DDB, or it's another
printout - There should not be any printout between consinit()
and ddb_init(). (Or, the error happens before or at console
initialization, and what you see is a random side effect.)
best regards