Subject: Re: 16650 patches
To: Simon Burge <>
From: Michael L. VanLoon -- <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/01/1997 13:51:04
>On Mon, 01 Sep 1997 13:36:14 -0400  "Michael C. Richardson" wrote:
>> >>>>> "Michael" == Michael C Richardson <> writes:
>>     Michael>   Someone sent me patches for the StarTech ST16C650A
>>     Michael> UART.  You didn't send me ic/st16650reg.h.  Yes, I've

>>   It was Dave Huang <>. Found in archive file: port-i386.0376
>>   I wish we had better search facilities. If someone has a suggestion
>> on what will run well on my NetBSD/P75 web server, I'll start
>> mirroring the archives and index them.

>Harvest and glimpse both come to mind.  I've never used them on PC class
>hardware, just DEC MIPS stuff, but a P75 isn't _that_ slow...

Actually, a P75 is faster than much of the older DEC MIPS stuff.

  Michael L. VanLoon                 
      Contract software development for Windows NT, Windows 95 and Unix.
             Windows NT and Unix server development in C++ and C.

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