Subject: Re: i386 Install won't boot
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christoph Badura <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/17/1997 22:15:28 (Patrick Welche) writes:
>> Question: *where does label go*? Should my offsets, "where BSD starts",
>> be increased??
>at the beginning of the first bsd partition.
Really? Yesterday I fixed a NetBSD1.2 where the MBR had been clobbered
by installing DOS on the SCSI disk where the first 32 MB had been reserved
for that purpose when installing NetBSD on the blank disk. I found
the disklabel on the second sector of the disk. Most definitely not
at the beginning of the first bsd partition.
Christoph Badura
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