Subject: Re: More than you ever wanted to know about P4D-66s...
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Bill Squier <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/14/1997 17:45:06
In message <199708142129.OAA26511@Pescadero.DSG.Stanford.EDU>, Jonathan Stone w
>>By the way, even with an oc#2, I got the "Erase previous contents of disk"
>>the first time I tried the label. Subsequent attempts (using the install
>>script, and telling it the NetBSD portion was 1425310 sectors long at
>>offset 2) didn't seem to produce the message. The disklabels generated were
>>the same (I think... I'll check it)
>Is this with os-bs, as before ? The beta of version 2.0 needs more
>than two sectors. One track is plenty.
I haven't been using os-bs since I posted that message yesterday summarizing
everything I did. Everything I've done today has been os-bs-free.