Subject: Re: More than you ever wanted to know about P4D-66s...
To: None <>
From: Bill Squier <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/14/1997 14:03:12
In message <>, "Perry E. Metzger" writ
>Bill Squier writes:
>> Thanks again for all your help. Since the machine is still in a
>> scratch state, I'd be happy to run further experiments to satisfy
>> curiosities.
>If you could, that would be of help. I'd like to fix a bunch of these
>problems once and for all, and your help on this would be invaluable.
Just let me know what sorts of things you want done. Right now I'm just
ensuring that I can get 1.2.1 running the same way.
Besides, this is a heck of a lot more interesting than re-writing my IXO/TAP
protocol device to conform to v1.8 and later. :-)