Subject: boot disk
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Patrick Welche <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/12/1997 19:34:15
Has anyone managed to create a boot disk that boots a PC into
multiuser mode?

A while back, I posted saying that no matter how good/small the
/etc/rc script or what binaries were on the floppy, it would always
boot into single user. Then, all I would do was hit CTRL-D and it
would run /etc/rc and carry on into multi-user. Now I find that when
booting, init is called with the -s flag (printing argv[1] from within
it). This seems to be coming from src/sys/kern/init_main.c and depend
on the value of int boothowto:

                if (boothowto & RB_SINGLE) {
                        *flagsp++ = 's';
                        options = 1; 

The thing is, as far as I can see, boothowto never gets set, and
RB_SINGLE=2 (from reboot.h). I find it hard to believe that just by
chance boothowto contains a number with its 2nd bit set, so what am I
missing ?!

