Subject: CMD640 & wd.c
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/07/1997 17:14:13
I'm looking into porting FreeBSD's CMD640 support. Basically it gets
around the chip's buggyness by not using DMA (we already have that :-) and
by keeping one command queue for both the secondary and primary IDE
channels on the chip.
Well, I'm having a bit of difficulty understanding exactly what we're
doing. I've stared at the code for a bit, and am wondering if someone more
familiar with the wd system could give suggestions.
I have (somewhat) more precise questions, but I'll save them for private
EMail, unless lots of folks want to hear about it.
Take care,