Subject: Custom device driver
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mary Rivett <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/30/1997 15:38:08
I'm new to this mailing list and not sure if this is the right one to
post this problem to, but if not, I'm sure someone will let me know - :)
Well, here goes...
I've recently upgraded one of our NetBSD systems from 1.1 to 1.2.1. The
system includes two device drivers for custom hardware, both of which
operated ok under 1.1. For one of the drivers, the upgrade was transparent.
The other one didn't fare so well.
The only change that I thought was needed in the driver source files was
to split the cfdriver struct into cfattach and cfdriver. The lines that
were added in 1.1 to sys/sys/conf.h, sys/arch/i386/i386/conf.c and
sys/arch/i386/conf/files.i386 were brought forward unchanged. The same
major numbers were used as in 1.1. In sys/dev/isa/files/isa, I noticed the
new attach directive, so the file was modified as follows:
from (1.1)
# SAMS-II triaxial acceleration sensor head
device tsh at isa: isadma
file dev/isa/tsh.c tsh-needs-flag
# SAMS-II analog i/o board (RTD-DM5416)
device dm at isa
file dev/isa/dm.c dm-needs-flag
to (1.2.1)
# SAMS-II triaxial acceleration sensor head
device tsh: isadma
attach tsh at isa
file dev/isa/tsh.c tsh-needs-flag
# SAMS-II analog i/o board (RTD-DM5416)
device dm
attach dm at isa
file dev/isa/dm.c dm-needs-flag
Everything configs and builds ok; ioconf.c looks right; mknods were done.
There is only one dm device, but 2 tsh devices with minor numbers 0 & 1.
All 3 device special files are present in /dev.
Upon rebooting, the probes for both device types seem to be working, as
the kernel reports dm0, tsh0 and tsh1 found. The attaches both seem ok too.
The problem occurs when I try to run a test program that opens each device
and reads from it. The dm device works fine. The tsh devices fail the open()
with ENOENT (open '/dev/tsh{0,1}' failed, No such file or directory). It
never even makes it to the device driver open routine. Why doesn't the
kernel's open() understand which device's open() I want to use? Why would
the kernel's open() work ok for the dm device, when the same steps were
taken to configure the tsh devices? Did something change in open()? With
handling minor numbers? With device attachment?
I'm out of ideas, so any help would be _greatly_ appreciated. BTW, this is
my first experience writing Unix device drivers, so I've been kinda flying
by the seat of my pants. Hopefully it won't turn out that I did something
really dumb - :)
Mary L. Rivett phone: 216-977-1256
NASA Lewis Research Center fax : 216-977-1269
Space Experiments Division email:
Cleveland, Ohio 44135