Subject: Re: apm hangs my system
To: None <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Chuck Cranor <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/26/1997 18:42:13
>I was trying to stir up outrage, at the license and even more at its
>unexplained presence in the tree weeks and weeks after everyone
>involved knew it was there and knew it was unacceptable. This is
>a _scandalous_ situation, and nobody seems to even notice; I was
>trying to wake people up.
Sure people notice -- I don't like the implications of that license
either. Lots of people agree on that. But there is no point getting
outraged or posting about it because the NetBSD leadership usually
(historically) refuses to make public comments on such issues (at least
until they are resolved, and sometimes not even then). You are only
going to get told that it is none of your business, and if you persist
the mailing list will be made moderated and all non-technical comments
will be filtered out. It doesn't matter if you've contributed to the
project or not. It is a closed process. That is the way this project
is (and has been) run. That is the way CGD and the other project
founders structured it. That is the way they do business and we really
don't get a say in it. Public discussions on the management of the
project are not welcome.
The best you can do is send your comments, in _private_, to
But don't expect much in the way of interaction because core as a group is
notoriously s l o w in addressing these sorts of issues. It could
very well be months of silence before this is resolved (although since
i suspect it blocks the release of 1.3, i would hope it doesn't fester
that long).