Subject: Two SCSI cards
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Charles Kane <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/24/1997 16:59:25
I have an AHA-2940 SCSI controller and a NCR53c845-based SCSI controller
in a dual Pentium Pro system. Both are PCI cards. Each have one disk.
If I order the cards one way in the PCI slots, then during boot-up I can
see where the adaptec disk is assigned C: and the NCR disk is assigned D:,
but NetBSD/i386-1.2G sees the NCR as sd0 and the adaptec as sd1.
If I reverse the order of the cards, DOS sees them "backwards" but so does
Why is the ordering of the drives opposite in DOS and in NetBSD?
In other news, does NetBSD/i386-1.2G support bounce buffers for ISA cards
in systems with more than 16M RAM? I have a 3c509 ISA card in this system,
which has 256M RAM, and the system crashes soon after the card is
"ifconfig"ed with a kernel panic of type 6 (I think).
-- Chuck