Subject: Re: FreeBSD X server on NetBSD?
To: None <>
From: Matthieu Herrb <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/24/1997 21:22:34
You wrote (in your message from Thu 24)
 > Hi,
 > what would prevent a FreeBSD X server (from Xi Graphics, for a
 > NeoMagic graphics chip) from running under NetBSD's FreeBSD
 > emulation, if anything?  (No, I've not tried it...yet.)
Probably the secure level and/or the i386iopl() system call:

FreeBSD doesn't have secure levels. So you'll need to run NetBSD with
'option INSECURE' in the kernel.

The i386_iopl() syscall to get access to the IO ports is more
problematic. I don't think the FreeBSD emulation enables the KDENAIO
ioctl used by syscons.

As far as I know (from my experience with XFree86) there's no other
sophisicated system call in the X server.
