Subject: Re: Kaffe 0.9.0
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Simon J. Gerraty <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/23/1997 00:44:50
Just another data-point for those interested.
I just compiled kaffe-0.9.1 on my 1.2G box with zero problems, and it
passed all its tests (which do not include AWT :-)
Most command line apps appear to work ok.
1. There is a threads related bug in kaffe, which shows up on both
NetBSD and SunOS. One of the example progs in Just Java 2ed which
tests syncronized threads, the consumer does not wake up after a
couple of rounds.
2. And of course AWT does not quite work:
sjg:47$ java Dired .
Failed to locate native function:
at java/awt/Font.<init>(119)
at biss/PackageProperties.getFont(158)
at biss/awt/Awt.initFonts(318)
at biss/awt/Awt.<clinit>(153)
at biss/awt/BarMenu.<clinit>(36)
at biss/awt/kernel/Peer.<init>(line unknown, pc 0x3330dd)
at biss/awt/kernel/Toolkit.createFrame(line unknown, pc 0x323e06)
at java/awt/Frame.addNotify(139)
at java/awt/
at java/awt/
at java/awt/Component.setVisible(412)
at Dired.main(58)
Comparing java/awt/ from 1.0.2 to 1.1.x shows that
getFontPeer() is a new method and thus not supported (yet) by
biss-awt-0.87 which is 1.0.2 based. 0.88-alpha which is 1.1 based, has
no native lib yet...
Simon J. Gerraty <>
#include <disclaimer> /* imagine something _very_ witty here */