Subject: ESP again
To: i386 NetBSD Mailing List <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/10/1997 23:07:21
dammit, forgot something rather important.
i get tons of these messages:
com0: 0 silo overflows, 613 ibuf overflows
com0: 0 silo overflows, 56 ibuf overflows
and they generally never hit 1000 ibuf overflows, maybe 5000 on a bad one,
got this today:
com0: 0 silo overflows, 283933 ibuf overflows
and to make matter worse i've been getting these:
arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo
besides that the machine runs well (if not exactly fast, but solid otherwise,
well as long as i don't telnet to my sparc and set the TERM to vt100 which
freezes up the keyboard on my NetBSD/i386 box)
** Brian Hechinger ** ** **
"Yes, evil comes in many forms, whether it be a man-eating cow or
Joseph Stalin, but you can't let the package hide the pudding! Evil
is just plain bad! You don't cotton to it. You gotta smack it in the
nose with the rolled-up newspaper of goodness! Bad dog! Bad dog!"
--The Tick