Subject: Re: elink3 bites (was Re: new i386 snapshot (finally))
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/07/1997 16:35:05
> After ifconfig'ing ep0 and attempting to ping my server I get a
> response to the first packet, then I get:
> ping: failed to clear cached route: Network is unreachable
> If I ping again, I get the 1st response then the above error again.

I saw this as well.

> If I madly go ahead and attempt to NFS mount server:/share the machine
> panics... or hangs.  The screen cleared too quickly to see what the
> panic was.

Hm, I was lyckily able to ftp a new kernel (I could have done it
by booting my install floppy again).

> Even if someone could provide a recent generic kernel built with the
> elink3 fix, I'd probably be able to get this beast up. I figure I can
> download a kernel quicker than my 486 can compile one :-) and I don't
> have 1.2G installed.

A GENERIC kernel and an SSTO boot floppy image is now available in

Detached PGP signatures for these files are available as *.asc
for both these files.

- H=E5vard