Subject: Re: Kaffe 0.9.0
To: Marik Willey <>
From: Simon J. Gerraty <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/05/1997 13:21:04
Marik Willey writes:
>As others on the list in the JDK thread noted, compiling kaffe with the -lc
>option removed from the makefiles results in successful compilation.
>However, when trying to run kaffe, a core dump results. It looks like it
>just fills up the allowed memory for the process and then dies:
I just checked my Makefile for kaffevm and I had
LIBS= -lm -lc
LDTAIL= -lm -lc
I don't recall any build problems at all. I was running 1.2D at the time.
kaffe works ok, if I use the jdk1.1.2 classes, (usually fails with a
NoSuchMethod when using jdk1.0.2 classes).
It does consume lots of memory - 16Mb typically and is very slow on a
i486DX33. But most (non-AWT) things work. The biss-awt and kaffe are
currently out of sync... :-(
Simon J. Gerraty <>
#include <disclaimer> /* imagine something _very_ witty here */