Subject: Kaffe 0.9.0
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Marik Willey <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/02/1997 10:07:26
As others on the list in the JDK thread noted, compiling kaffe with the -lc
option removed from the makefiles results in successful compilation.
However, when trying to run kaffe, a core dump results.  It looks like it
just fills up the allowed memory for the process and then dies:

$ javac
Illegal instruction - core dumped

(javac is a script that calls Kaffe on a java java compiler)

$ ll kaffe.core
-rw-------  1 willey  source  16982436 Jul  2 09:58 kaffe.core

The top of the back trace:
(gdb) bt
#0  0x1001efea in suspendOnQThread (tid=0x5140, queue=0x1be08, 
    timeout=0x0000000000000000) at thread-internal.c:190
#1  0x1002041e in _waitCond (addr=0x10011050, timeout=0x0000000000000000)
    at locks.c:187
#2  0x1001d466 in invokeGC () at gc-incremental.c:509
#3  0x1001d90a in gc_heap_malloc (sz=52) at gc-mem.c:180
#4  0x1001d4a0 in gc_malloc (size=52, funcs=0x10044e8c) at
#5  0x1001c45d in newObject (class=0x70848) at object.c:71
#6  0x10021460 in execute_java_constructor (ee=0x0, 
    cname=0x23f3 "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError", cc=0x70848, 
    signature=0x23ef "()V") at support.c:525
#7  0x243e in throwOutOfMemory () at main.c:253
#8  0x1001e142 in checked_pagealloc (size=1048576) at gc-mem.c:608

It looks like the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError is happening a lot.

So... anybody got success on Kaffe?
