Subject: adding extra hard disk (cont.)
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rick Copeland <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/24/1997 08:16:09
Hello list,
I have gotten lots of replys on my posting, so last night I tried out some
of the suggestions, the first problem I encountered was doing the
disklabeling. I went to the man page on disklabel which pointed me to the
man page on disktab however there is no listing in the disktab file for my
scsi drive. This made me curious to find out why or where the disktab file
was that listed the current hard disk that I have running in the machine
now.. I could not find that listing! So I have a few more questions I hope
someone can answer for me:
1. Does the disktab file have to reflect the drive parameters of the
currently installed drive?
2. If it is required to have such a listing for the second drive I
am trying to install how would I write it?
These are the parameters for my second drive I am trying to
a) Maxtor SCSI type 7345, 2220 cyl, 4 heads, 76
b)The disktab wants: tracks/cylinder and
sectors/track where do I get this information?
I would assume from the disklabel man page that the proper command to
deisklabel the drive would be:
disklabel -w sd1 (name of drive)
Is this correct?
Rick Copeland
Rick Copeland