Subject: Re: trying to build ksh
To: Brian Hechinger <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/23/1997 13:10:59
Brian Hechinger writes:
> i grabbed ksh from the -current source tree and am trying to compile it on
> a -1.2 system. shouldn't be too hard, only problem is i need to give the
> path of emacs to so i can build emacs.out. well, i don't have
> emacs on this system (not yet, won't have the space for a while yet) and
> would like to know if i can just get emacs.c out of the loop, or if there
> is a better way around it.
ksh doesn't require that you have emacs installed on your machine. ksh
merely emulates emacs keybindings for editing.