Subject: Re: upgraded kernel and getty complained
To: None <>
From: maximum entropy <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/20/1997 20:15:26
>From: (Brian Hechinger)
>i just upgraded my kernel from -1.2 to -1.2.1 everything works just fine,
>except that getty complains about /dev/ttyv[1-6]: Device not configured
>didn't used to do this under -1.2, is this something that will go away as
>soon as i get to run a 'make build'??
No, this means your /etc/ttys is set up for virtual terminals, but
your kernel is not.
Comment out the pc0 device, uncomment the vt0 device, reconfig, make,
install, and reboot.
(You may need to MAKEDEV some additional ttyv* devices in /dev
depending on your previous configuration, as well...)
entropy -- it's not just a good idea, it's the second law.
This message may refer to a product containing software developed by
Christopher G. Demetriou for the NetBSD Project.