Subject: com question
To: NetBSD i386 <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/30/1997 16:04:17
Running NetBSD 1.2 (still!). When does com driver negate the RTS output
when using CRTSCTS? At the moment when the input buffer is completely
full? Before that?
I'm asking this because it seems we have a problem with pc's connected
to a NetBSD box using null modem cables. It seems that when NetBSD can't
read incoming data off the com ports (this is considered normal in this
application), RTS is negated, but the braindead UART on the other pc
still keeps sending data and we get occasional overflows at the NetBSD
end. (At least, this would explain the problems we see. However, we
don't see any "silo overflow" or "ring buffer overflow" messages in
syslog - does this mean the com driver is NOT losing any bytes? If so,
our problem must be somewhere else.)
Also, why does the RTS output follow the DTR output when not in CRTSCTS
mode? I needed to have RTS active and DTR passive while sending out
data to configure an IrDA component, but this didn't work because I
wasn't using CRTSCTS (which I don't want to use as the IrDA chip knows
nothing about RTS/CTS :-)
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