Subject: Re: Transfer from linux to NetBSD ...
To: <>
From: Rick Byers <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/29/1997 09:48:07
Hi Yin,
NetBSD doesn't yet support ext2 file systems by default (I use a patch by
Maneul Bouyer that is great), so you pretty much have to re-do
everything. You will need to repartition. NetBSD does have Linux
emulation, but I don't know if the linux Xfree would run - I wouldn't
waste your time trying if I were you.... I've had pretty good success
(except for sound) with Linux binaries.
All of the stuff you need is on How much you get is
dependant on what you want (how much source code etc...). Check the web
site - - for more information.
Hope this helps,
On Tue, 27 May 1997, wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I got a 486 box installed with linux, and a sun3/50 netboot from the 486.
> Now, I am wondering if I can transfer the OS from Linux to NetBSD in
> convenience. (I heard that NetBSD is more like UNIX than Linux. 8-)
> I want to know the amount of work like:
> * Do I need to re-partition the disk? I have a 120Meg ext2 partition
> for the linux.
> * How many floppies I need to grab from the net.
> * For sure I need to recompile the kernel. But how about the other
> linux packages. Will they work with NetBSD kernel?
> * Do I need to reinstall the XFree386/X11 packages.
> * How many disk space will be used for sun3 netboot? It is about
> 2-3Meg in Linux which makes sun3 work as a dump Xterminal. However,
> I hope the sun3 can provide net services like telnet and ftp at the
> same time.
> Any hint is welcome. Thank you.
> yin
Rick Byers Internet Access Worldwide System Admin, Tech Support
Welland, Ontario, Canada (905)714-1400