Subject: Re: READ ME: com driver in -current
To: None <>
From: Markus Kilbinger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/27/1997 09:08:35
>>>>> "Charles" == Charles M Hannum <> writes:
Charles> A few people have noted that the com driver in -current
Charles> seems to lose badly with PPP. This was due to a bug
Charles> (which I have just fixed) that would cause it to
Charles> [...]
Charles> If you've been experiencing a problem which might be
Charles> attributable to this, please try the latest version of
Charles> the driver (revision 1.100), and let me know whether or
Charles> not it helps. I've included the (rather simple) patch
Charles> below.
It helps perfectly: The lost/retransmitted data on output to our modem
(exactly the situation mentioned above) are gone!