Subject: Re: funny message from NetBSD
To: Markus Illenseer <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/22/1997 09:21:00
Markus Illenseer drunkenly mumbled...
> Why does this annoy you? This is the autoconfig (tm) principe of Eisa.
it isn't so much that it annoys me, just that i was curious as to what it meant.
not ever having run a "real" OS on an EISA based machine, i'm not used to these
sorts of messages.
> It does tell you that you have a device in an Eisa-Slot but it cannot
> configure it, because it was unable to connect it to a device driver.
ah, ok.
> (This has nothing to do with the fact, that you are using an ISA device
> in the Eisa-Slot).
but it is an EISA card!!!
> The Amiga-port does this all the time, it would annoy me if I wouldn't be
> informed about all my devices. Remember, this is boot-time only, the message
> does only appear when booting. How often do you boot?
i boot as little as often. :) yea, i would much rather be informed as opposed
to not getting anything at all.
> The interface to the keyboard is almost completely different to the
> generic interface when using pcvt. I would give it a try.
ok, will do once i resolve the larger issues.
I'm asking because I've got two VS3100's in need of a real and pleasant to
use operating system. (VMS is unpleasant and Ultrix is not a real OS).
-Brian D Chase (asking about NetBSD support of the VS3100)