Subject: Re: Problems talking to Zoom internal at com3
To: Matthias Scheler <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/20/1997 17:35:38
Matthias Scheler drunkenly mumbled...
> > in general shared IRQs are a Bad Idea(tm)
> Only on architectures which were designed in such a brain dead manner
> to have single IRQs for each board. In my good old Amiga all the boards
> (IDE and SCSI hostadapter, ethernet, arcnet) shared interrupt 2 and there
> weren't any problems because the hardware and software was designed to
> work this way.
seeing as how this mailing list is for braindamaged i386 hardware my statement
still stands. :) maybe we should change the name of this mailing list to :)
but you do have a good point, shared IRQs aren't a bad idea, they are just a
bad idea on the x86 architectures.
"Yes, evil comes in many forms, whether it be a man-eating cow or
Joseph Stalin, but you can't let the package hide the pudding! Evil
is just plain bad! You don't cotton to it. You gotta smack it in the
nose with the rolled-up newspaper of goodness! Bad dog! Bad dog!"
--The Tick