Subject: Re: new kind of crash under 1.2 1/2 :)
To: Jukka Marin <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/17/1997 10:01:28
On Sat, 17 May 1997 19:17:50 +0300
Jukka Marin <> wrote:
> The problem is that my 1.2 tree isn't 100% standard. It includes lots
> of fixes that eventually went into 1.2.1, but also things that aren't
> in 1.2.1. The worst thing is that I can't recall all the changes I have
> made (and I'm running this mutant version on some 10 machines, most of
> which are critical).
:-) . o O ( mmm, diff -r )
> Anyway, the problem shows up when Netscape is running on this machine
> but it's display is on the other machine (ie. network is being used by
> X). This problem never occurred with the 3com509 Ethernet card, so it
> has to have something to do with the SMC driver (I now have an SMC
> card) or the generic PCI code (but I have other PCI cards which work ok
> so I don't think it's that).
What sort of card are you using with the 1.2 "de" driver, exactly?
I know you probably didn't want to hear this, but the -current "de"
driver is _much_ better... it wouldn't be all that easy to back-port
to 1.2, either :-(
Jason R. Thorpe
NASA Ames Research Center Home: 408.866.1912
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