Subject: Re: Weather Database
To: None <>
From: J.T. Conklin <jtc@NetBSD.ORG>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/13/1997 11:27:30
> I hate the spams very much. I have to look at all of these mails as
> i can not differ between important and not important mails without.
> And i think if NetBSD is not able to protect against such things
> whoever is then able to do it?
We recently added a domain blacklist (thanks to qmail's way-cool
badmailfrom feature) which protects the lists against known spammers.
Unfortunately, it won't catch new spammers. We'll try to keep the
blacklist as up-to-date as possible, but it is likely that some
spam is going to slip through nonetheless.
There are enough of us which submit postings from multiple machines,
mail/news gateways, etc. I think that restricting postings to list
subscribers may cause more problems than it solves.