Subject: Re: Weather Database
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John F. Woods <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/13/1997 08:34:31
> I hate the spams very much. I have to look at all of these mails
> as i can not differ between important and not important mails without.
> And i think if NetBSD is not able to protect against such things
> whoever is then able to do it?
The "sendmail-refuse-patches" available for sendmail are effective against
about 80% of the spam mail I get. I think there's a version available for
smail3, at least as an experimental version. I'd even be happy to contribute
my file. ;-)
If the list can filter out Famous Flamers, it can filter out Stupid Spammers.