Subject: Re: Obscure hardware of the day...
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: Carl S Shapiro <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/12/1997 06:22:19
> Today's entry:  A "DTC 3181E" SCSI controller.  ISA.  25-pin female port.
> Soldered over 50-pin internal plug.  One chip - a DTCT-436E.

While a number of DTC's older ISA and EISA cards were 1542 compatible, your
particular card would seemed to be based on some "low cost" DTC PIO SCSI
chip.  There is little chance it's supported.


> It came free with a scanner - the scanner is sticking to my Mac, so the
> card's basically spare hardware, but I figure I should see if there's
> a driver.  Never hurts to have a spare SCSI interface.

Too bad it won't work with NetBSD :-(  
