Subject: Promise EIDE 2300 Plus VLB controler
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Alicia da Conceicao <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/21/1997 06:05:41
Has anybody been able to get NetBSD to boot a huge EIDE disk using the
Promise EIDE 2300 Plus VLB controler card, with LBA enabled on its own
bios, on a motherboard that does not support LBA?
DOS, Win95/NT have no problems booting & using my huge EIDE disk using
this controler in LBA mode, but NetBSD refuses to boot off of it. It get to
the "wd(0,a)/netbsd" NetBSD boot prompt, but hangs after displaying the
"|" character on the line below. What makes this even stranger is that
if I boot from floppies, I have no problems mounting and using the disk
with the controler. I suspect that the problem is likely due to the
fact that the NetBSD boot code is unable to recognize the LBA mode on
the bios of the controler card, even though NetBSD can recognize LBA
mode on the bios of motherboards that support it. And that once loaded,
the NetBSD kernel does recognize & support the huge disk and its controler
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Does anyone know of
any jumper configuration on the controler card or perhaps some type of
replacement NetBSD boot code that might help?
Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Alicia.
PS, the "" web site wasn't much help.
Name: Alicia da Conceicao Bus: Media-City _
Email: WWW: | |-+ /
Phone: 905-507-2440, 416-239-6875 Fax: 905-851-0844 | | | \__/
Smail: 136 Wings Rd, #8 2nd floor, Woodbridge, ON, L4L-6C3, Canada ~~~~~