Subject: Re: 6x86-166+ with NetBSD
To: Frank van der Linden <>
From: Manuel BOUYER <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/17/1997 15:08:49
On Apr 17, Frank van der Linden wrote
> The -current code should detect the 6x86. If it doesn't, tell me.
> It doesn't detect all Cyrix 486* variants, but that's not really
> important. It also doesn't use specific instructions; neither does
> FreeBSD as far as I can see (except for detection).

Just checked, the only special things they do is to enable the cache
in write-back mode if the revision is > 2.6. (file sys/sys/initcpu.c, line
Don't know if NetBSD do the same. I didn't see this kind of things in the
sources, but I'm not (really not) a guru of i386 assembly, so I may have
missed the interesting part if is there is no comments around it.

Manuel Bouyer, MASI, Universite Paris VI.