Subject: Re: Danger: Hardware Recommendation Request
To: Michael L. VanLoon -- <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/16/1997 15:20:29
Michael L. VanLoon -- drunkenly mumbled...
> "Not yet"
> There is one sitting in a machine behind me, with probing code
> written, and nothing else. I just need to find time to get further.
> Last I heard, there was someone in the FreeBSD world in exactly the
> same situation.
well, this doesn't hurt me at the moment, i don't own a single machine that
has a PCI bus, ISA, SBUS, VME, Multibus, Unibus, but no PCI. :)
i do plan to get something that will probably have PCI, but no time soon.
however, there is support for DPT controllers in Linux, grab a kernel and
learn something, there might be some usefull info in there that would help
you get the driver done so that we have support for what is in my opinion one
hell of a SCSI controller.
The fundamental difference between Unix and the Macintosh operating system is
that Unix was designed to please programmers, whereas the Mac was designed to
please users. (Windows, on the other hand, was designed to please accountants,
but that's another story.)
--The UNIX-HATERS Handbook
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