Subject: Re: Danger: Hardware Recommendation Request
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/16/1997 11:14:17
Aron T. Roberts drunkenly mumbled...
> * Adaptec 2940UW
ok, this is sorta a hardware recommendation from the purely hardware aspect
as well as a request for info on how well this hardware is supported.
i am a HUGE fan of DPT SCSI hosts. they do indeed kick ass. if you are
looking for stability and speed all in one package, then DPT is the way to
go. HOWEVER, i have no idea a) if these things are even supported in NetBSD
and b) if they are, how well the drivers work.
a SmartCache IV PM2144UW (ULTRA-WIDE, 68020 @ 20MHZ, UP TO 64M ECC CACHE RAM)
with 0M cache ram will run you about $400 or so, you don't need to put ECC
ram in it though, regular parity SIMMS will work, but i HIGHLY reccommend
ECC memory.
cince you are looking at ccd, check out the SmartRAID IV, several models worth
looking at, Ultra, Wide, Differential, up to 3 SCSI busses on one controller,
the list goes on, these are a little more expensive however, but well worth
the money if you have it to spend, these things ROCK!!!
check them out at:
avoid they have some wierd stuff going on there that takes
my SPARCstation LX at work to 100% CPU to just have that page sitting there.
> 9GB Micropolis 1991AV (I swear "micropolis" must be an ancient word
> meaning "Bad Drive")
this i would believe, i've seen too many of these things die is a very short
time. of course i've seen my fair share of seagate drives die. Quantum's
are the only ones that have stood by me (my 386 at home has a 270M and 540M
Quantum SCSI drives, they are both about 6 years old, neither even have bad
blocks and have been humming along 24/7 for the last 6 years.
The fundamental difference between Unix and the Macintosh operating system is
that Unix was designed to please programmers, whereas the Mac was designed to
please users. (Windows, on the other hand, was designed to please accountants,
but that's another story.)
--The UNIX-HATERS Handbook
=== End Transmission ===