Subject: Re: 386 and Serial I/O --- making a decision.
To: None <>
From: David Gilbert <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/09/1997 10:57:47
"Perry E. Metzger" <> writes:

> David Gilbert writes:
> > 	I honestly have to make a decision.  The sole purpose of the
> > 40Mhz 386 is to run my modems.  Somewhere back before 1.2, there were
> > patches that made this work rather well.  I was under some mistaken
> > impression that this had made it into 1.2 when I upgraded.  It has
> > not.

> No, but the patches are in -current, and work very nicely. They were
> integrated a few days ago.

	Several people said this... so I supped current sources
(yesterday's) and compiled a new kernel.  I no longer get messages in
the syslog about silo overflows, but from my taylor UUCP logfile:

uucico elastic - (1997-04-09 06:49:31.68 258) Handshake successful (protocol 'g' sending packet/window 512/3 receiving 64/7)
uucico elastic news (1997-04-09 06:49:32.24 258) Receiving rnews (17807 bytes resume at 8704)
uucico elastic - (1997-04-09 06:50:12.93 258) ERROR: Received unexpected CLOSE packet
uucico elastic - (1997-04-09 06:50:12.95 258) Protocol 'g' packets: sent 3, resent 0, received 21
uucico elastic - (1997-04-09 06:50:13.05 258) Errors: header 30, checksum 38, order 7, remote rejects 0
uucico elastic - (1997-04-09 06:50:13.16 258) Call complete (43 seconds 9103 bytes 211 bps)
uuxqt elastic news (1997-04-09 09:51:00.09 24201) Executing X.elasticdaa0e (rnews)

	So... I'm loosing bits somewhere.


|David Gilbert, PCI, Richmond Hill, Ontario.  | Two things can only be     |
|Mail:         |  equal if and only if they |
|               |   are precisely opposite.  |