Subject: Re: How to extract sources
To: Rick GC <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/06/1997 23:06:29
> I was pointed to .../Netbsd/Netbsd-1.2.1/source/ksrc121/* to pickup
> the files for the Netbsd 1.2.1 kernel.  [...]  The Install notes say
> to extract the files with the following command:

>                 cat set_name.?? | gunzip | tar xfp -

> After inserting the file ksrc121.aa into the above command the system
> replies with:

>         gunzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
>         tar: unexpected EOF on archive file

It would help if you showed what you got after "inserting...into the
above command".  In particular, the set_name should be ksrc121; if you

	cat ksrc121.?? | gunzip | tar xfp -

then you should have gotten what you want.  If you typed

	cat ksrc121.aa.?? | gunzip | tar xfp -

then you should have gotten a "no match" error.  If you typed

	cat ksrc121.aa | gunzip | tar xfp -

then I'd expect you to have gotten what you got...but I can't see why
you would have deliberately skipped the ".??" part.

					der Mouse

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